We’ve got a pretty innovative concept going here, so you’ll find us in the press quite a bit. Here are some of the videos, press releases, articles, and other press we’re getting that helps to raise awareness of Better Chew plant-based comfort and ethnic foods and our mission of democratizing access to plant-based food for ALL people.

If you’re interested in interviewing us, writing about us, or simply want to share your experiences with Better Chew, please don’t hesitate to reach out on our contact page. Together we can make a difference.


Meet the Inventor & CEO, Chef Chew!

Feature on T-Pain’s School of Business

Our Fight Against Food Deserts

Better Chew Meats Have Hit the Shelves

2018 Invest in Dreams Impact Award Winner

Chef Chew: Food Deserts

Oakland Chef Changing Lives, One Chew at a Time

Better Chew Taste Test